Will I be a good mom or dad?

Will I have a better relationship with my child than I did with my parents?

Will my child love me?

Pregnancy is a time when we start to think about our own relationships with the people who raised us (or were absent) and what type of parent we hope to be. I work with you to explore these questions and find your strengths.

If it’s not just the baby blues…

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety happen in one out of five women.

Did you experience a traumatic birth or feel like you didn’t have control over what happened to you and your baby? Do you worry or feel sad all the time or feel like you have to pretend to be happy? Do you have scary thoughts that you’re ashamed to share? If any of these resonate with you, I am here to help you find your way back to hope and feel more like your new self as a parent.

You may be at risk for postpartum mood disorders due to biological factors, certain life stresses, or if you or your family have a history of a mental health disorder. Let’s talk and see what type of support may be best for you.

Dads, you may experience these things too. Your wellness is just as important to your relationship with your partner and your little one. Participate in sessions with your partner or come for individual sessions. You matter.

What to expect: I will meet with you, and if appropriate, your partner and baby, to talk about your needs, relationships, and how we’ll work together to help you heal. We may do a mix of individual sessions, partner sessions, and sessions with parent and baby to provide you with a holistic approach.

Call me today to set up a free consultation.

Learn more about perinatal mental health disorders at postpartum.net